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Check out our progress below towards our year-end goal of $100,000.

Join us to GIVE LIFE to children in East Africa and have your donation doubled!
During our year-end fundraiser, the first $35,000 in donations will be matched as we move toward our goal of raising $100,000 to support the holistic care needs of over 500 kids.
With your help over 500 children are receiving life and hope across East Africa! Every day our local partners provide holistic care to extremely vulnerable kids to help meet their physical, spiritual, emotional, and education needs. Thank you for joining us to Give Life through a generous year-end gift!

You can also give by check. Make checks out to "Lahash International" and mail them to our office:
Lahash International
1315 SE 20th Ave, Suite 4
Portland, OR 97214

Working alongside our local ministry partners, Lahash is helping to provide holistic care and hope in Christ to hundreds of vulnerable kids all across East Africa. Join us to GIVE LIFE so that they can thrive!